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Projects & Programmes

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Recognising that the requirements and priorities of project and programmes professionals (and of the charities who hire them) can differ significantly from those in other functions, we created this specialist team around five years ago with the capacity to focus on this area in depth and detail, and cater to its specific needs. 

In that time, we've built an exceptional record of successful placements and remain the only third sector recruiter with a dedicated resource for this area, through a team with considerable experience and expertise in this particular niche.

Placements in the last five years
More than 200
Job types

Regularly-recruited roles
Head of Programmes
Head of Projects
International Programme Coordinator
Programme Administrator
Programme Manager
Project Administrator
Project Coordinator
Project Manager
Projects Officer

Recent clients

Jobs: Projects & Programmes

Specialists in this area

Lizzy Clark

Lizzy Clark

Principal Consultant - Projects, Programmes and Business Support

Sekai Lindsay

Sekai Lindsay

Senior Temps Consultant - Business Support
