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About us

About us

Standing Together Against Domestic Abuse (STADA) is a UK charity bringing communities together to end domestic abuse.

We support organisations, including the police, criminal justice partners, housing, social services, healthcare workers and charities, to identify and respond effectively together to domestic abuse. Our aim is to help these agencies to work in partnership, so that people receive the best support at the time they need it.

We do this through an approach that we pioneered, called the Coordinated Community Response. The Coordinated Community Response brings services together to ensure local systems truly keep survivors safe, hold abusers to account and prevent domestic abuse.

Our model of a coordinated local partnership to tackle and ultimately prevent domestic abuse is widely accepted as best practice.

Our aims

We aim to see every area in the UK adopt the Coordinated Community Response, in order to:

  • Keep survivors and their families safe.

  • Hold abusers to account and change damaging behaviours.

  • Prevent and ultimately end domestic abuse.

How we work

We use our experience and expertise to advise and support organisations and local authority areas to coordinate their activities, review their performance, identify gaps, and support them to improve.

We also deliver training and develop resources to make sure that professionals in public services feel confident dealing with victims of domestic abuse and their families effectively.

Our impact

Over the years we have influenced the national and local government to ensure a better response to domestic abuse. As a result, significant and positive changes have occurred in the provision of services and policies aimed at reducing the risk of domestic abuse.

Where we are now

STADA has grown rapidly over the last two years, including winning major contracts from central government. This growth has seen changes in our operations and to our governance in order to continue working effectively and provide capacity for further development.

We are in the process of developing our strategic plan and opportunities to secure long term financial sustainability. Our new Chair will lead us through this vital stage of our development as a charity. Over the next 5 years, we want to:

  • Build upon previous work and continue to develop and expand STADA and its work.

  • Focus on supporting our expert staff to deliver our aims..

  • Emphasise continuous learning and adaptation of practices as circumstances change.

  • Work towards supporting more survivors to live free from abuse.

  • Increase the reach and impact of the CCR to provide assistance to a larger number of survivors and embed CCR more widely across the UK.

Find out more

Our website

Our page on the Charity Commission’s website

Our most recent accounts

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